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New Work

Hi ich bin Janine

3-fache Mama      Ich trinke am liebsten kalten Kaffee und davon nicht wenig

     ich geniesse es frei zu zu entscheiden wie ich meinen tag gestalte   


The worst days make the best stories

Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go-to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

Farbe Fleck
Paar am Wasser

Automatisierung deines Business 

Collapsible text is great for longer section titles and descriptions. It gives people access to all the info they need, while keeping your layout clean. Link your text to anything, or set your text box to expand on click. Write your text here...

Collapsible text is great for longer section titles and descriptions. It gives people access to all the info they need, while keeping your layout clean. Link your text to anything, or set your text box to expand on click. Write your text here...

Collapsible text is great for longer section titles and descriptions. It gives people access to all the info they need, while keeping your layout clean. Link your text to anything, or set your text box to expand on click. Write your text here...

Collapsible text is great for longer section titles and descriptions. It gives people access to all the info they need, while keeping your layout clean. Link your text to anything, or set your text box to expand on click. Write your text here...

Deine  3 Schritte


Du buchst​ die Strategie Schmiede und schaust dir all die Module an.


Du setzt all die Inhalte wirklich um und hast Spaß.


Du siehst erste Erfolge und bleibst am Ball.

was meine kunden sagen


Juliane Weber

Juliane Weber

Bevor ich Janine kennengelernt habe, war mein Alltag geprägt von ständigem Druck. Ich wollte ein erfolgreiches Business führen, ohne meine Familie zu vernachlässigen, aber das Gleichgewicht zu finden, war einfach unmöglich. Janine hat mir gezeigt, wie ich mein Business so aufbaue, dass es mit meinem Leben harmoniert. Jetzt arbeite ich flexibler und effizienter, habe mehr Zeit für meine Kinder und bin finanziell stabiler als je zuvor. Mein Business läuft und ich genieße endlich das Leben, das ich mir immer gewünscht habe.

Robert Rose, Product Designer

New Work

Meine Leistungen


Service Name

Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.


Service Name

Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.


Service Name

Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.

Get in Touch

500 Terry Francine St. 

San Francisco, CA 94158


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